Friday, May 6, 2016

May 6 Garden Notes

Our gardens are busting with produce and we've seen some really nice looking community garden plots around the Presidio. We hope you are enjoying your garden plot!

Coming up we have our May volunteer event at the Presidio Native Plant Nursery- we could really use some more help to wash pots, sow seeds, and we'd love to show you what's going on in our Farm to Table garden. RSVP here

We have a social event for June: a happy hour pizza potluck at the Ft. Scott Community Garden- make your own mini wood fired pizzas and share side dishes, treats and drinks with fellow garden members. RSVP here for Summer Solstice Pizza Happy Hour

Open the blog post for some photos from the garden...

Alligator Lizard at Ft. Scott Community Garden

Super sized Romanesco at nursery garden

Kathleen's beautiful purple cauliflower at Baker Beach #2

Kevin and Jenice's cool (and sweet) yellow podded peas