Thursday, May 26, 2016

almost June garden dates

Don't forget that today from 3:30-6pm we'll be at the really amazing Presidio Native Plant Nursery hosting a volunteer event for all community garden members. All those pots that were filled with veggie seedlings and we always ask for you to return?... They live at the nursery and need to be washed so we can reuse them for the next growing season. We'll also have some seeds to sow and be giving tours of Mackenzie's lovely urban garden and of the native plant nursery. Please stop by even if you can't come for the full time- we'll have garden snacks out including a fava bean spread with basil and lemon, summer squash and garden peas. Parking available at the nursery site- RSVP here for directions
Hope to see you!

The blog calendar is updated- here's when we'll be at your garden this month:

6/2  Ft. Scott, 10-12pm- plot checks
6/3  Baker Beach 2-4pm- plot checks
       BBA1: 2-2:30pm
       BBA2: 2:30-3pm
       BBA3: 3-:30pm
       BBA4: 3:30-4pm
6/6 West Washington, 5-7pm
6/10 MacArthur, 2-4pm- plot checks
6/20 SBB, 5-7pm 
6/21 West Washington, 10-12pm- plot checks
6/23 Ft. Scott Garden- Summer Solstice Pizza Potluck Happy Hour- all invited RSVP here
6/24 SBB, 2-4pm- plot checks
6/27 MacArthur, 5-7pm

Enjoy the holiday weekend and don't forget to water! If you are planning a trip this summer and don't have anyone to water for you, feel free to email me and ask for introductions to your fellow garden members.

Click to see some photos from around the gardens:

dahilas in full bloom already

Rich's beautiful cauliflower