Urban Ag friends-
I’m excited to announce the new Urban Agriculture
Resource Center at Golden Gate Park CommUNITY Garden (780 Frederick)
will be open for material pickup this Saturday, May 3rd, from
9am to 12pm. Come get free mulch, compost, and soil for your spring
Thanks to SF Recreation and Park Department for the
mulch and soil, and Recology for the compost.
We’ll be open for regular access now once a month. BYO
container to put materials in; drive up access will be available as well
(limited amounts available per person).
These materials are available to any gardener in the
city of San Francisco to help green and beautify the city.
Future dates: Saturday, June 14th and
Saturday, July 19th, both 9am to 12pm.
Any questions, please contact Hannah, SF RPD Urban
Agriculture Program Coordinator, hannah.shulman@sfgov.org,
or 415 575 5604.
Please share with your networks.
very much!
Urban Agriculture Program Coordinator
San Francisco Recreation & Park
Department | Capital Improvement Division
City & County of San Francisco
| 30 Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 575.5604 | hannah.shulman@sfgov.org
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