Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Community Gardening Classes at Ft. Scott Garden

Join Presidio Community Garden Intern Kasey Wooten as she goes through how to best use your community garden bed.  Learn what plants grow best here, how to manage pests and pathogens with organic methods, and how to maximize your growing space throughout the year.  Be prepared for the weather and participating in hands-on lessons. Come with questions and curiosities!  Each class will have a bit of time at the end for mentorship connections if you are interested in working with other gardeners.  Please feel free to sign up for just one class or come to all five!
All classes will be held at the Fort Scott Community Garden.  Please park at Wool Court next to the tennis courts. There will be no class parking at the garden. 

Parking - Google Map to Wool Court

You can contact Kasey at kwooten@presidiotrust.gov with questions or to sign up!  Please sign up at least one week in advance
1: Gardening in the Presidio 101: The Basics
Not sure what grows best here or how to even get started with your garden?  We’ll discuss what plants are best suited to the Presidio’s unique foggy climate, what plants can thrive in the shade, and how to get your seeds started.  You will also leave better equipped to care for your garden’s water and nutrition needs.  
Saturday, May 31, 10am-12pm
or Thursday, June 5, 6-8pm

2: Planning and Implementation: Calendars, Charts, & Other Resources
Want to have a cohesive and streamlined plan for your garden?  Make the most of your time and space by planning when to order seeds, buy transplants, start transplants, and plant in your garden.  Use your garden all year long by planning ahead to overwinter certain crops.  
Wednesday, June 11, 6-8pm
or Saturday, June 14, 10am-12pm

3: Organic Solutions: Managing Pests and Pathogens
Finding curious holes in your lettuce or watching as entire beds of seedlings disappear overnight?  Learn to identify and manage the pests and pathogens that get to your garden bounty before you do.  We will use creative, affordable, organic and tested methods to rid your garden of unwanted attention.  
Thursday, July 10, 6-8pm
Saturday, July 12, 10am-12pm

4: Increasing Productivity: Growing as Much as Possible in 32 Square Feet
Ready to bump your garden to the next level?  Use techniques common in urban farming in order to maximize your space and supplement your food as much as possible.  We will discuss biointensive and square foot gardening methods, companion planting, and succession planting.
Saturday, August 9, 10am-12pm
or Wednesday, August 13, 6-8pm

5: Harvesting your Bounty, Winter Gardening, and Cover Cropping
The winter garden is a true gem that is too often overlooked due to rain and decreasing temperatures.  However, if planned right, a winter garden can extend the growing season to the full year.  Learn about low-intensive methods of winter gardening, like cover cropping, and how to prepare your bed for the upcoming seasons.  This class will also include a fun cooking demo using garden goods and a celebration for completion of the Presidio community garden lessons, so please feel free to bring a dish to share at the end of the class!
Saturday, September 13, 10am-12pm

or Thursday, September 18th, 6-8pm