Hello Presidio Community Gardeners-
I wanted to pass along more valuable resources available to you. If you can't meet me when we have compost give-aways, here are more opportunities. I'm pretty sure you need to bring a way to transport the material (i.e. buckets, bins). -jean
Hello All-
We’re proud to announce that all
three urban agriculture resource centers from the Urban Agriculture Program are
up and running starting this month. Get your gardens
winter ready! We’re providing compost, soil and mulch (plus
other amendments and starts on a limited basis as they become available)
to the public now on a regular basis.
Alemany Farm will be open for material pick up this Saturday,
11/8, and Adam Rogers Park / Girls 2000 Garden will be hosting the first in a
series of temporary, popup resource hubs around the Bayview on Saturday, 11/22.
Monthly: Golden
Gate Park CommUNITY Garden, 780 Frederick: November
1, 2014, December 6, 2014, January 24, 2015. All dates 9am -12pm.
Quarterly: Alemany Farm,
700 Alemany Blvd: November 8, 2014, February 7, 2015.
9am – 12pm.
Mobile: Bayview Garden Resource Hub (pop-up series in
partnership with the Girls 2000 of Hunters Point Family, Quesada Gardens
Initiative, Recreation and Park Department, Public Utilities Commission, San
Francisco Department of the Environment, with support from the San Francisco
Foundation and the Convergence Fund). More details to come and
November 22, 2014, 10am-2pm, Adam
Rogers Park, Ingalls and Oakdale
17th, 2015, 10am-2pm, Quesada Gardens, 3rd Street and Quesada
March 14th, 2015, 10am-2pm, Southeast Treatment
Facility, 1800 Oakdale
You can find all the dates, times
and locations here:
As always, thanks to Recology for the compost and Rec and
Park for the soil and mulch. Please spread the word to your networks, as
the success of these centers and their long term viability depends on continued
Hope to see you out there!
Francisco Recreation & Park Department | Capital Improvement Division
& County of San Francisco | 30 Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor
Francisco, CA 94102