lower raised bed on 4 May 2021 |
green cabbage white butterfly caterpillar & damage |
The pea plants are looking a little wan and I think it's time to start more seeds. Lest you think that seasoned gardeners don't have their challenges: the neighbor's cats who use my newly seeded beds as a litter box, cabbage white butterfly larvae chewing their way through the Brassica patch, and aphids on the greens. I started checking the undersides of leaves several times a week to remove pests. I'm also getting used to how often and how much water the plants need- certainly more than in foggy San Francisco. In this year of serious drought, we are capturing water from sinks and showers inside the house as much as possible but I do still need to supplement with irrigation and hose water regularly.
It's exciting to watch the first zucchini, peppers, cabbage, and cauliflower emerging and it seems as if the melon vines grow overnight! I also thinned the swelling apples from the backyard tree leaving only 2 per spur. More than that will result in smaller fruit and be too heavy for the branches.