Monday, September 16, 2019

Fall Plot Checks/ Reminders: compost giveaway and pizza RSVP

Fall is just around the corner. I'll be doing the seasonal plot checks during the last two weeks of October. Please make sure your plots are tended, bolting plants are pulled or cut back, and it generally looks like you are using the garden bed. If I sent you a reminder in July this is a good time to make sure you've taken care of the issue. 

10/21- Ft Scott
10/22- MacArthur and Portola
10/24- Lendrum
1029- South Baker Beach and West Washington
1031- Baker Beach

Garden supplies:
A reminder that I'll have buckets of compost available this Wednesday- you can find me and the compost at the Ft Scott Community Garden. You can borrow the 5 gallon buckets, as long as you bring the buckets back after adding the compost to your garden bed. Non seed-free straw is also available for winter mulching needs (just be prepared to pull any grass-like seedlings that might grow from it)

Wednesday, September 18, 4-7pm
Thursday, October 10, 2-7pm
Monday, October 28, 2-6pm

Need to order seeds? One of the places we order from is having a sale until 9/22:
Peaceful Valley Farm

Community Building:
The Fall Harvest Pizza Potluck will be on Saturday October 5, from 11am-3pm. The oven will be ready to start making pizzas around noon. Please bring a potluck dish to share, pizza toppings, beverages, and your own plates, forks etc. I'll have homemade dough, sauce, and any veggies available in the gardens. Please RSVP by October 1
