Friday, February 15, 2019

Reminder: Garden Resource Day tomorrow 10am-1pm


Do you have your garden cloches in the form of plastic bottles ready to cover seedlings? Great! Tomorrow is garden resource day and there is a greenhouse full of plants. These little guys haven't had a chance to spend any time outside yet (usually plants are "hardened off" in transition from greenhouse to garden), so any extra protection you can offer will be appreciated.

Next week is looking dry and sunny, so it's a great time to plant! Hopefully all that crazy weather is behind us - two large trees fell at the garden, thankfully missing the brand-new shed + the road and porta-john!

Other spring supplies to consider:
It's  a good time to ensure that any bird netting you have is able to be securely closed; bungees only last for a season or so. Try using that stash of chopsticks in the back of the junk drawer to weave between the netting. And if you have holes from rodents, I'll have extra netting you can cut to patch the hole. We've found small zip ties work especially well.

Don't forget to plan to return any buckets and pots you take with you tomorrow [do you have any in your garden plot to return?]. We have run out of pots and have more seedlings ready for transplanting. Compost is available, but limited to 3 buckets- first come, first served until it's gone.

I'll be at the Ft. Scott Community Garden tomorrow from 10am until about 1pm. The road is quite eroded so please park closer to the garages (without blocking access) and use a cart or wheelbarrow to transport compost etc. See you there!

Jean Koch
Landscape Stewardship: Community Gardens
The Presidio Trust

1216 Ralston Ave., P.O. Box 29052
San Francisco, CA 94129
(415) 561-7639 office
(415) 850-7526 mobile
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