If you're a procrastinator, you've made it to the very last day to clean up and plant your assigned garden plot if you want to continue being able to use it.
If you haven't visited your garden plot in the last 2 weeks, I really recommend a visit today- you might be surprised at how quickly the weeds grow!
Sending out emails taking garden plots away is the least favorite part of my job- seriously-this is not pleasant for me and it's a huge, time-consuming task. If you haven't planted yet this season, please reevaluate your time available to tend a garden (despite what I know are tons of good intentions and wishes) and perhaps send me a message turning the plot over. Or brave the sun and rain today to weed and plant! Why?...
Growing your own food and eating a plant-based and locally grown diet is one of the top things you can do to combat your contributions to climate change. I just read "Drawdown: the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming" edited by Paul Hawken in advance of giving a presentation to a sustainability summit about our efforts in the Presidio. If you need some inspiration they identify and rank the 100 biggest impacts. Eating a plant-rich diet is #4 and reducing food waste is #3. If you're a fan of Michael Pollan, as I am, he reminds us that growing a garden is one of the most powerful things an individual can do. This is mostly carbon-dioxide-producing-free fuel for you, great exercise, with the bonus of being outside and recognizing that your body is good for doing something- that you can produce something tangible and delicious. So take advantage of this amazing opportunity- despite the setbacks, the rodents, the learning curve...there's nothing like putting dinner on the table for friends or family and proudly saying "I grew this!"