What to plant? arugula seeds, green beans, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrot seeds, cauliflower, chard, collard greens, cucumbers, fava beans, kale, leeks, lettuce, mustard greens, peas, radishes, spinach, strawberry plants, summer squash (i.e. zucchini), and turnip seeds. That's a lot of options!
If you are a continuing gardener from 2016, you need to have a relatively fully planted garden bed by Saturday if you wish to continue using it in 2017.
This has been a perfect spring for growing- rainy and sunny. Yesterday we harvested a full crop of radishes planted on March 3. Don't miss out on your own amazing harvests!
We'll be taking a break from garden visits for a few months while we focus on other garden projects.
Keys to maintaining a healthy garden:
- Look closely for pests; learn what kind of pest each plant is susceptible to and how to treat them.
- Fertilize appropriately (with organic fertilizers)- leafy plants need nitrogen, fruiting plants like tomatoes need phosphorus (look for one where the middle number (phosphorus) is larger than the first number (nitrogen), such as 2-3-1). A good article from Rodale.
- Water as needed- when the rains stop, plan to water deeply 2-3 times a week.
- Understand your plant's life cycles- when to harvest, when are they bolting, etc.
- Ask a garden neighbor to watch your plot while you are away. Even a week can make a big difference!
read more about what we've been up to...
We've had some great helpers at the Ft.Scott Community Garden this spring. Thanks to all for your hard work!
Golden Gate Club chefs |
Presidio Native Plant Nursery staff and interns |
our newest helper, Wyatt, keeping the rainwater drainage clear |