Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Free Seeds at the JCC and Indian Valley Farm plant sales

Free seeds at the JCC on California (Tuesdays 5-6pm and Fridays 11:30-1pm) and plant sales this weekend and next in Novato:

Free Seeds at the JCC- 

3200 California at Presidio 

Along with the Start Your Garden from Seeds and Cuttings class we're hosting on Sunday 4/10, I wanted to remind you all about the JCCSF Rooftop Garden Seed Library that is part of the Urban Gardening program. Through the end of May, we'll be tabling our seed library for the public in the atrium of the JCCSF on Tuesdays from 5:00pm-6:00pm and Fridays from 11:30am-1:00pm and occasionally during food related lectures and events held through the Arts & Ideas Department.  

You do not have to be a member of the JCCSF to borrow seeds so please feel free to pass along this information within your garden networks:


April 16th & 23rd  @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm 

Buy certified organic vegetable starts, annual and perennial pollinator friendly flowers, culinary and tea herbs, berries, fruit trees and native plants. We will have our expert staff available to guide you through our wonderful organic plant inventory. Come and enjoy free workshops and family friendly activities on the farm. Seasonal produce, cut flowers and herbal crafts will also be for sale. 

For more information about the event call 415.720.2051 or email rhoehn@ccnorthbay.org

And they have a farm stand!

Farm Stand

farm-overview-medCertified organic vegetables, fruits, herbs, annual and perennial plants and value-added products are available weekly at the farm stand. Our farm stand is open on Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm. The farm stand is located at the front entrance of the Farm. Click here for a map and directions. Saturday is a wonderful day to volunteer with friends and family at the garden. For more information,contact the Farm Coordinator.