We want to invite everyone to our first special event this year: a spring equinox pizza potluck happy hour. We're trying out a new time- Friday 3/18 from 3-7pm. Please RSVP using Eventbrite so we can get a head count. We always look forward to seeing what delicious creations come from your garden produce!
Here are reminders about when we'll be at your garden:
2/19 WeWa, 10am-12pm: plot checks & compost
2/20 BBA, 10am-3pm: compost- 1 hour at each garden (see calendar for details)
2/25 SBB, 1-3pm: plot checks & compost
2/27 WeWa Volunteer Work Party 10am-12pm
2/27 Ft. Scott Volunteer Work Party 1-4pm
3/1 FtSc, 10-12pm: plot checks & compost
3/4 BBA, 1-5pm: plot checks & compost- 1 hour at each garden (see calendar for details)
3/5 Portola 9-12pm: volunteer work as part of natural resources planting day festivities
Don't forget the March 31** deadline To maintain your status as an active community garden member and use of your garden plot
1) Garden plots are planted
2) You have filled out the re-commitment form on-line or in-person
Garden update:
All this warm weather has been great for the veggies, but I know I keep checking the weather forecast to see when the rain will (hopefully) be back!
The past few weeks have been busy in the gardens- hosting volunteer work parties to weed pathways, compost give-aways, and plot checks. Many of the garden plots looks just wonderful- it makes us so happy to see the gardens weeded, planted, and really being used!