Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Mid-February update and party invite!

We want to invite everyone to our first special event this year: a spring equinox pizza potluck happy hour. We're trying out a new time- Friday 3/18 from 3-7pm. Please RSVP using Eventbrite so we can get a head count. We always look forward to seeing what delicious creations come from your garden produce!

Here are reminders about when we'll be at your garden:
2/19 WeWa, 10am-12pm: plot checks & compost
2/20 BBA, 10am-3pm: compost- 1 hour at each garden (see calendar for details)
2/25 SBB, 1-3pm: plot checks & compost
2/27 WeWa Volunteer Work Party 10am-12pm
2/27 Ft. Scott Volunteer Work Party 1-4pm
3/1 FtSc, 10-12pm: plot checks & compost
3/4 BBA, 1-5pm: plot checks & compost- 1 hour at each garden (see calendar for details)
3/5 Portola 9-12pm: volunteer work as part of natural resources planting day festivities

Don't forget the March 31** deadline 
To maintain your status as an active community garden member and use of your garden plot
1) Garden plots are planted 
2) You have filled out the re-commitment form on-line or in-person

Garden update:
All this warm weather has been great for the veggies, but I know I keep checking the weather forecast to see when the rain will (hopefully) be back!

The past few weeks have been busy in the gardens- hosting volunteer work parties to weed pathways, compost give-aways, and plot checks. Many of the garden plots looks just wonderful- it makes us so happy to see the gardens weeded, planted, and really being used! 

Our projects have included learning how to install drip irrigation on our demonstration beds, clearing out the blackberry brambles and replanting the raspberry patch, and weeding, weeding, and more weeding!
brambles cleared and site weeded

replanting the salvaged raspberries