Welcome to the blog, if this is your first time, or if it's been a little while! Fall has always felt like the beginning of a new year to me- harvesting the end of the season's crops, going back to school (for some of us), and a chance to plan and look ahead to the next growing cycle. It's also the start of our new fiscal year, and so a time to look back on what we accomplished in FY15 and to outline our goals for FY16, filling in the calendar with holiday events, and sowing seeds and projects to be ready for the next planting season.
Some of our goals are to improve communication and to try to foster more community among our group of Presidio Community gardeners. To that end, you will, or have, received an invitation to join the Presidio Community Garden blog. This is a one-stop resource for you! The garden team (my new intern Mackenzie and I) want to be able to post messages with a good chance you will see them- past posts have been about free garden classes, free compost and seedlings, plant sales, pest information, and inspiring photos of Presidio garden harvests. Please accept the invitation to join the blog! There is a calendar at the bottom of the page with garden related events, links to pages on the right with garden documents and resources, and hopefully soon, a recipe section.
We will no longer be sending direct emails to you about garden events- invitations and announcements will be blog posts (and posted on the calendar). If you are subscribed, then these invites and announcements will be delivered to your inbox.
Also for the new year is a short survey- a chance to give us some feedback and suggestions on how to make our community garden program even better! Mackenzie has put it together and will be doing more outreach during the year.
Follow the link to fill it out: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KHTHNPV
Looking forward to a new year!
Jean and Mackenzie