Please join us at a potluck lunch on Saturday March 22 at the Ft. Scott Community Garden to celebrate the Spring Equinox!
We'll fire up the cob pizza oven and bake hot pizzas- please come!! Bring food to share with the group and your own place settings. Lunch starts at 11:30am and ends at 1:30pm.
At 1:30pm stay for a volunteer day at the garden- we'll be transplanting native flowers into a newly cleared garden bed, pruning salvias, weeding oxalis, and other fun projects in the garden. Gloves, water, and tools will be provided.
Here's where the garden is located. However there is NO PARKING at the garden the day of the event. Please park in Wool Court (near the tennis courts) or take the PresidiGo shuttle to the corner of Upton and Kobbe and walk to the garden.