First: DO NOT use 'bird netting' sold in many garden centers. It is flimsy and the birds get caught in it and die.
Here are a few ideas:
- mylar tape tied to your trellis so it blows in the wind
- paint golf balls red and put them in the strawberry plants- then when the birds peck them, they find them rather unpalatable and learn not to keep trying!
- make a small box or hoop out of chicken wire, window screening, very sturdy plastic mesh (usually sold as fencing) or "hardware cloth"- the same kind of wire mesh that is on the bottom of your box to keep the gophers out.
Hardware cloth: 5'x24" roll at Ace @ Clement & 11th: $11 (the 1/2" mesh will be fine) or in bulk at Crown Hardware at 3615 Balboa: $2.49/ft for 3' or 4' wide rolls
Plastic netting that is OK to use:
Plastic netting that is OK to use:
Blue Hawk 48-in x 50-ft Black Plastic/Polyresin Perimeter Fence
Item #: 157766 | Model #: 419594 at Lowe's
- something like this might work as well, but I haven't tried it:
- protect individual or clumps of berries by using jars or strawberry baskets
- and to protect seedlings, make an inexpensive version of a cloche:
Whatever you use, please be sure that they don't blow away, and that you store them in your apartment when you are done, not in the garden.