Monday, March 16, 2020

All community garden events canceled until further notice

After today’s shelter in place decision, all upcoming compost and seedling give-aways are canceled until further notice.

I leave it to each of you to decide what the request from city officials means in regards to working in individual garden plots. I hope that having access to a hyper-local food supply in your own plot cements the importance of our garden program. Food security is not just a catch-phrase, it’s one of the many reasons I built this program. Thank you for sharing the vision with me.

Be safe and stay well
Yours in community, jean

Thursday, March 12, 2020

March updates-weeds, rain, and calendar changes

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all staying well and are glad to have a place outside to spend some time. If you have extra gardening time, or extra hands (I heard SFUSD is closed starting Monday), the community spaces and pathways around the plots in some of the gardens can really use some help. This is officially your responsibility as a garden member. But any mulched pathways can be weeded by anyone, so lend a hand to maintain the work that volunteers have put into the gardens over the last year. Thanks in advance for helping tend our neighborhood garden gems!

It looks like we are poised to get some rain, which is great! But it also looks like it's happening this Saturday-Tuesday. I will still be at the Ft Scott Garden with compost and seedlings on Saturday from 11am-2pm. In acknowledgement of the rain, and the fact that many people are working from home, compost and seedlings will also be available at the Ft Scott Garden on Wednesday 3/18 from 3-6pm, and Friday 3/20 from 11am-2pm. If you borrow buckets, please plan to return them same day so they are available for the next give-away.

Seedlings that will be available: kale, cabbage-red and green, broccoli- green and purple, lettuce, Romanesco, and chard.

The West Washington Garden compost evening is scheduled for 3/17. I'll email the garden members that afternoon if it's raining to reschedule.

Finally, I think it's only best to cancel our Spring Pizza Potluck scheduled for 3/28. This is one of my favorite events- we'll reschedule once it seems reasonable to do so.

we tried growing tatsoi for the first time
gorgeous spring flowers at West Washington

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Garden Resource Days/ Spring Garden Potluck/ Garden Updates/ classes

Calendar updates
Compost and seedling giveaways continue at the Ft Scott Community Garden this Thursday from 2-5pm and this Saturday from 11am-2pm. Rain is in the forecast every day from March 9-17, so now is the time to weed and plant and let nature water for you. See the calendar for upcoming dates and evening garden visits. Scroll to the bottom of the page for the calendar (using a phone? you'll need to click "view as web version" at the bottom to find the calendar).

Don't forget- if you haven't planted yet, the use-it-or-lose-it cut-off for spring plantings is April 14. Don't wait- plant now!

Spring Pizza Party Potluck- Saturday March 28
We're celebrating spring at the Ft Scott Garden- open to any community garden member with RSVP. Please bring a potluck dish to share for lunch. RSVP here

Happenings in the gardens
Our cover crops are all turned in and ready for planting. We've planted peas, onions, leeks, cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, lettuce, beets, and radicchio seedlings and carrot, radish, and turnip seeds. I'll be planting our cucumbers, beans, and summer squash this week. The irises are starting to flower and the garden is green! I also had some help from our Trust roofer to install gutters on the greenhouse and hook them up to a rain water harvesting barrel that I found next to a dumpster. Looks like we'll get to see how it works in the next few weeks.
Ranunculus in bloom at Ft Scott Garden

We've had some great volunteer days in the gardens- weeding and mulching paths at Baker Beach garden #2 and Ft Scott in February, plus individual volunteers planting, weeding, clearing vines from our California Buckeye tree, and helping me build a replacement bed at Portola. I'm also working with our Integrated Pest Manager and her intern to install 1/4" hardware cloth at the West Washington garden- the wire extends 2 feet above and below ground. We hope that this discourages rodents from crossing into the garden area from the iceplant-covered hill next to it.

In Union Square this Saturday there will be free tulip bulbs on American tulip day from 1-4:30p.

Places to learn more:
Click for upcoming classes at Garden for the Environment, a 3/11 vegetable preservation class in Alameda, and a 3/16 fundraising dinner for Alemany Farm at Zuni Cafe.