Friday, August 9, 2019

Compost giveaways/ Fall Pizza Potluck

Hello Presidio Community Gardening friends,

I hope you are enjoying the last few weeks of summer. Our harvests have been going strong, and the new edible flower beds are wildly productive. 
We've been working our way around to the neighborhood community garden sites to weed and mulch with the monthly Garden Stewards program. Coming up we'll be at Baker Beach #2 on 8/22 and Baker Beach #4 on 9/26- come out and help out (or make sure to weed your paths before we get there!)
edible flowers

I've also seen a lot of Pacific chorus frogs in the garden plots- how cool!

As summer crops are harvested, you may want to think about planting for fall and winter harvests. August is the last reliable month for lots of crops: brassicas, beets, lettuce, kale, and chard. September starts favas and spinach, and is the end of radish, turnip and mustard green planting times. Thinking about planting garlic in October? Now is a good time to pre-order seed garlic.

Every time you plant, it is best to add compost! Turn it in before planting, or top-dress as the plants grow. If you can't get compost from me, local garden centers sell it bagged.

I'll have some buckets of compost available for you a few times this fall- you can find me and the compost at the Ft Scott Community Garden. You can borrow the 5 gallon buckets, as long as you bring the buckets back after adding the compost to your garden bed.

Monday, August 12, 2-7pm
Monday, August 19, 2-7pm
Wednesday, September 18, 4-7pm
Thursday, October 10, 2-7pm
Monday, October 28, 2-6pm

Finally, the Fall Harvest Pizza Potluck will be on Saturday October 5, from 11am-3pm. The oven will be ready to start making pizzas around noon. Please bring a potluck dish to share, pizza toppings, beverages, and your own plates, forks etc. I'll have homemade dough, sauce, and any veggies available in the gardens, along with a green salad. Please RSVP by October 1

For a great place to learn more, check out Garden for the Environment