Friday, March 29, 2019

Spring weather ahead- a good time for planting/ 5/4 save the date

Hi all,

A reminder that the spring planting cut-off is coming up on April 16. This is a use-it or lose-it date. If you haven't visited your garden since the winter plot checks in January, you might be super surprised at how big the weeds are, again. Plan time to pull them, turn the soil, add compost, and apply Sluggo or Sluggo Plus when you plant or your new seeds and seedlings will be gobbled up by all the pests that have been happily living under the carpet of weeds. Even with all the pest control and regular harvesting I do, I  just moved a piece of lumber in our lettuce bed and found about 20 slugs hanging out, plus lots more hiding inside the lettuce leaves. Yuck!

This is a great weekend for gardening- sunshine and dry weather, followed by more rain in the forecast next week. If you are planning to rely mostly on seeds directly sown into the soil, please plant now so they have sprouted before April 16. If your plot looks empty, I'll have to assume that it is.

You may also find that many of your vegetables held over from last year or earlier this winter are starting to flower. Remember we need to remove most plants once they start to flower. Plants likely to be flowering now are: kale, lettuce, mustards, parsley, cabbage and any root crops you didn't harvest (carrots, radish, beets). Make sure they are pulled before the April 16 cut off as well. Most of the greens are still edible, although lettuce tends to get bitter as it bolts and the root crops get very woody. And look closely at the kale flower stalks- many of them are covered in aphids since they like the tender new growth.

If you have questions about your plot, please get in touch before 4/16! Thanks and have a great weekend!!

P.S.: Save the date for a "May the Fourth be with you/ Cuatro de Mayo" garden party announcement- we're hoping to host a pizza potluck that Saturday over lunchtime. Fun!!