Thursday, February 22, 2018

Garden tools

Wow, what a difference a few weeks makes in the temperature! It's chilly out there! Are you keeping your seedlings warm under a plastic cloche? It will help your plants grow a little faster during the cold weather. Cut the bottom off a juice bottle and put it over your seedling. It acts like a mini-greenhouse and keeps the birds and slugs at bay. 

Here are some other useful garden tools, in a blog post by Taylor.
We look forward to seeing you and your happy vegetables in the gardens!

March 10, 10am-1pm Garden Resource Day at Ft. Scott Community Garden 

Blog Post #9: Garden Tools

Hello community gardeners of the Presidio! This week I thought I’d go over some basic gardening tools. I’m going to outline the tools below and explain how they may help you cultivate and care for your raised beds. There are links to a good example of that tool, or helpful websites.

Gardening gloves: So this is incredibly basic but really helpful. Whenever I forget my gardening gloves in the truck, I end up trying to get dirt out from under my fingernails for days afterwards. Gardening gloves are really helpful for protecting your hands and your skin! They can protect your hands from vegetable plants that have tiny thorns (such as zucchini) and weeds that have large thorns (blackberry).

Kneelers: Before working in the Presidio Community gardens I had never heard of kneelers. But they are so awesome and so simple! A kneeler is basically a foam pad that you can kneel on (or sit on) while working in your raised bed. This tool may be especially helpful for those of you whose garden beds are on top of cement. Kneelers save your knees and are great for days when you are out in the garden for a long amount of time- weeding out your bed or replanting your bed. You can find kneelers at gardening stores or you could just repurpose an unused cushion.

Snips: Snips are basically just sharp gardening scissors. Snips are great for harvesting, thinning, and light pruning. Jean and I use snips when we are harvesting small and delicate plants like broccoli, peas, beans, cherry tomatoes, and leafy greens. We also use snips for cutting off the flowering parts of plants and for other general pruning.

Pruners: Pruners are a step above snips- a little more heavy duty. Pruners are best for harvesting from woody plants (like rosemary and sage) or thick and bulky plants (like tomatoes and zucchini). Cutting back bulky plants is also much easier with pruners as they will provide a sharp and healthy cut that won’t do any serious damage your plants. Pruners are also helpful for when you need to clean up overgrown tomato or zucchini plants from your bed and netting!

Hori-Hori: Another name for the Hori-Hori is digging knife. It basically looks like an 8 inch blade/trowel combination. Jean and I use Hori-Hori’s CONSTANTLY in the garden. They are fantastic for weeding because the blade allows you to cut through tough soil and easily retrieve tap roots and rhizomes. I think the Hori-Hori is a great tool to choose if you have a ton of oxalis or mallow weeds that pop up in your raised bed.

Cultivator: Great tool for loosening the top layer of soil (i.e. for disrupting all those small weeds before they go to seed) or to help the water penetrate garden soil in the dry summer.

Digging Fork/Shovel/Spade: I’d say a digging fork or shovel is the best way to break up your soil or turn compost into your bed in preparation for planting. A digging fork looks like a large fork and it helps with digging into a bed that has really tough, hard soil. You can also use a shovel or spade for the same task. All three of these tools are very useful in the garden, you’ll have to test out what works best for you. Shovels may be more helpful when you are trying to dig large plants or root balls out of your bed.

Plant support structures: Tomato cages, pea trellises, cucumber and bean trellises. Trellises and other support structures are vital for your climbing plant’s success! Check out whether your plant needs to climb horizontal or vertical trellises and then buy a structure or make your own. It’s not too difficult to create a trellis with string and a little bit of lumber. Another plant support structure that I’ve talked about in a previous blog post is a wide-mouthed plastic bottle. Plastic bottles are great mini-greenhouses for small seedlings and transplants. Place a wide plastic bottle (with its bottom and top cut off) around your seedling and it will provide your plant with warmth AND protection.

Plant ties: Trellis are essential for climbing plants and can give you more growing space by going vertical with your plants, but many plants need help getting using the trellis you provide. Plant ties- plastic, jute, string, foam covered etc.- are your tool for getting the plants off the ground and onto the trellis.

hope this tool list is helpful (or at least a good reminder). Email me if you have any questions about a particular tool or where to find the tools listed above!

Friday, February 9, 2018

Notes & Dates/ Crop Rotation/ Growing Potatoes

February 9, 2018

We and the bees have been busy in the gardens. I took a moment yesterday to appreciate the flowering quince in our herb garden -full of gorgeous red flowers and abuzz with native bumblebees. 

Taylor has been working hard on clearing out the lower garden, potting up the herbs, and planning irrigation and terraces to make the space more inviting for gardener and pollinator alike. Perhaps you'll check it out during our upcoming garden resource day- tomorrow, 2/10 from 10am-1pm. Taylor will be working in the herb garden in the afternoon tomorrow in case you are inspired to come help out!

We've spent time in a few of the neighborhood gardens facilitating path maintenance and mulching- when we have these warm, dry winters it feels like everything needs to happen NOW and it gets a little overwhelming. But we'll keep plugging away at maintaining our community garden spaces around the Presidio and look forward to each of you doing your part to weed your paths and beds. We're keeping busy tending beds we use for PresidioGrown, too! Lettuce, arugula, potatoes, leeks, onions, carrots, radishes, and peas are all in the ground.

Hayley, one of the Trust's Landscape Gardeners, came to the garden last Thursday to teach us how to prune our roses. We left one bud that has already opened...

And these women from Taylor's Garden for the Environment class have been spending their 40 hours of volunteer time with us. They are a huge help and lots of fun!

Upcoming garden dates:
2/10, Ft. Scott 10-1pm 
Garden Resource Day: compost and a few seedlings available at the garden

Abby helping wash pots

Volunteering in the Garden: help maintain our signature garden site
2/10, Ft. Scott 2-4pm 
2/15 and every Thursday through April, 10am-4pm

Evening garden visits start on 3/20
March 22: Spring Equinox Pizza Potluck, 4-7pm RSVP here
April 17: Spring Planting Deadline (don't wait- there's plenty you can plant now to take advantage of the warm weather!)

Blog Post #8: Crop Rotation
Hey community gardeners! I hope that you all are spending some time this month reflecting on your raised beds and creating planting plans for the next few months. Reflection and planning time is essential to your continued success in the garden. A question to ask yourself that may help in establishing a planting plan is, “what have I grown in my bed in the past year(s)?” Repeatedly growing the same vegetables in your bed year after year, season after season can cause a buildup of pests and diseases. Planning for crop rotation is a dynamic way to avoid this buildup while also making better use of soil nutrients.

When rotating crops, gardeners must look at the different ways to categorize crops in order to make a plan. Some rotate crops based on whether the plant is a heavy or light soil feeder and some rotate by botanical plant families. Neither of these methods are wrong, and a combination of both would probably be the most effective way of rotating crops. I’m going to outline and analyze both methods below to help you all start planning for the year ahead!

(1)    Heavy, neutral, or light soil feeders
Some crops use a larger amount of soil nutrients than others, these crops are called heavy feeders (cucumbers, lettuce, squash, tomatoes). At the opposite end of the spectrum are light feeders. Light feeders use only a small amount of soil nutrients (carrots, onions, chard, potatoes) and have less of an impact on the soil in your raised bed. Neutral feeders have virtually zero impact on soil and can even be turned back into your raised bed to increase nitrogen levels (fava beans, snap beans, peas). A good practice with rotating feeders is to follow heavy feeders with light or neutral feeders and vice versa. So if you planted tomato plants over the summer, you might want to think about planting a light (chard) or neutral (peas) feeder in order to give your bed some time to recover and build up its nutrients. Similarly, follow light or neutral feeders with heavy feeders. This is a great practice and will keep your soil happy and healthy!

(2)    Botanical plant families
It’s important to know that crops in the same botanical plant family are subject to the same pests and diseases. So, when planning your rotation, make sure you are not putting a member of the same crop family into a less than desirable location. Ideally, wait three to five years before growing the same vegetable, or a closely related one, in the same location. For example, root maggots are a serious pest to those growing carrots and parsnips (both crops are members of the carrot family- Apiaceae). If you were to plant carrots one year and parsnips the following year in the same exact spot, odds are that root maggots would end up doing a good amount of damage to your parsnip crop.
I am including a table (from Golden Gate Gardening by Pam Peirce) in this post that will hopefully help you to synthesize these two crop rotation methods. It outlines whether the plant is a heavy, light, or neutral feeder and also lists the botanical plant family that it belongs to.

Thanks for reading! Email me if you have any questions or need some advice with plant planning.

Heavy Feeders
Cole crops
Endive and chicory
Light Feeders
Swiss Chard
Soil Neutrals
Fava Bean
Lima Bean
Scarlet-Runner Bean
Snap Bean
Soy bean

Finally, for those of you interested in growing potatoes, click to read more about how to do that: