Wednesday, May 31, 2017

2017 calendar- June to December

I hope everyone is enjoying their community garden plots and starting (or better, continuing) to harvest delicious vegetables! Don't forget to put "ask a neighbor for garden watering help" on your vacation to-do list this summer. If you need an intro to your plot neighbor, email me (or leave them a note).

Looking ahead at the rest of the year, we're considering ways we can help you have a great garden! Generally, spring plantings start to finish up in mid-summer and it's time to plant fall crops in July and August-- which means it's time to start planning! Once your lettuce, kale, chard, etc. start to bolt, it's time to pull them out, amend the soil, and replant. Yay for new plants!

We're starting a trial garden resource center based out of the main community garden site at Ft. Scott. We'll have compost and woodchips available, and possibly a few seedlings, one Saturday a month from June-November. Bring your own containers (large plastic totes work well) or borrow some of our white buckets to transport to your garden plot. If you have specific garden questions, feel free to text or email photos with your question.

Fall plot checks will happen on Tuesday, September 12. Much like the spring planting deadline, this will be a hard deadline- your garden plot should be weeded, planted, and in good shape for the fall season and the pathways should be weeded and mulched. I'll also be showing off the gardens to my yet-to-be-hired new intern that day- let's make it a great & inspiring tour! In the meantime, expect messages from me if I'm in your community garden and see anything that needs to be tended to.

Upcoming garden dates- we look forward to seeing you!

June 3: National Trails Day- volunteers will be helping out at MacArthur Community Garden
June 10: Garden Resource Center open, Ft. Scott Garden, 10am-1pm
June 15: BBA Garden #2- weeding and woodchip party, 5-7pm RSVP here
June 20: Summer Solstice Garden Party Potluck, 3-7pm RSVP here
July 8: Garden Resource Center open, Ft. Scott Garden, 10am-1pm
August 12: Garden Resource Center open, Ft. Scott Garden, 10am-1pm
August 25: intern Anna's goodbye party, details to come
Sept 9: Garden Resource Center open, Ft. Scott Garden, 10am-1pm
Sept 12: Fall Garden Plot Checks- all garden sites
Oct 14: Garden Resource Center open, Ft. Scott Garden, 10am-1pm
Oct 14 (tbc): Fall Harvest Pizza Potluck and Pumpkin Party, 2-5pm
Nov 4: Garden Resource Center open, Ft. Scott Garden, 10am-1pm
Dec 9 (tbc): Winter Wreath making, Presidio Native Plant Nursery

What to plant in July and August:

Friday, May 26, 2017

The fog is here, it must be summer in San Francisco!

And what do we do to celebrate summer? Have a Summer Solstice Garden Party-Potluck! Follow the link for more information and to RSVP- the party is on Tuesday, June 20
RSVP here by 6/16

Garden happenings:

We've been busy in the main community garden at Ft. Scott hosting volunteering corporate groups, weekly drop-in maintenance, and a few special events + harvesting! 

I also attended a fundraising pizza party at Garden for the Environment at 7th and Lawton. Their garden is looking fantastic- I highly recommend a visit. Their garden is open to the public for visits 24/7 and is staffed on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10-2pm. Check it out!