Here we are at the turning point of the year- the shortest day. I love winter in the Bay Area; seeing the gardens and hills turn green, hiking amid waterfalls, hunting for the early wildflowers, and sowing seeds for spring planting. That's right, we've already started sowing seeds in anticipation of the new growing season! So far we're growing broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, kale, chard, peas, and more!
As we look towards 2017, we're doing a little restructuring to the schedule. Plot checks will happen 4 times a year at each garden- twice in the spring, and twice in the summer/fall. That means that when the day comes for your garden to have a plot check, it's a hard deadline. It will need to be tended (tidy, weeded) + pathways weeded. Evening visits are limited to once at each garden during our main planting seasons- March/April and July/August.
This year's planting cutoff is April 15- that is the day that the plots need to be full of growing plants. If you want to plant seeds, we suggest sowing by April 1 to make sure they have germinated and are visible on the 15th. We will be checking all plots at that time to make sure they are growing. To encourage planting during SF's prime season, we'll be at each garden with compost and seedlings (if available) prior to April 15:
- twice during the day (during the plot checks)
- once in the evening after daylight savings time
- one weekend session
- and one centralized seedling/compost giveaway on Saturday, April 1, 1:30-3:30pm
MacArthur Garden:
- 1/10, 2-4pm (plot checks)
- 2/25, 1:30-3:30pm (Saturday)
- 2/28, 2-4pm (plot checks)
- 4/5, 5-7pm
Portola Garden:
- 2/7, 2-4pm (plot checks)
- 3/22, 5-7pm
- 3/25, 1:30-3:30pm (Saturday)
- 3/28, 2-4pm (plot checks)
West Washington Garden:
- 2/14, 2-4pm (plot checks)
- 3/25, 10am-noon (Saturday)
- 4/3, 5-7pm
- 4/4, 2-4pm (plot checks)
South Baker Beach Gardens:
- 2/21, 2-4pm (plot checks)
- 3/11, 10am-noon (Saturday)
- 4/10, 5-7pm
- 4/11, 2-4pm (plot checks)
- 1/24, #1 @ 2-3pm, #2 @ 3-4pm (plot checks)
- 1/31 #3 @ 2-3pm, #4 @ 3-4pm (plot checks)
- 3/11 #1 @ 1-2pm; #2 @ 2-3pm; #3 @ 3-4pm; #4 @ 4-5pm (Saturday)
- 3/14 #1 @ 2-3pm, #2 @ 3-4pm (plot checks)
- 3/21 #3 @ 2-3pm. #4 @ 3-4pm (plot checks)
- 3/27 #1 @ 5-6pm; #2 @ 6-7pm
- 3/29 #3 @ 5-6pm; #4 @ 6-7pm
Pizza Party Potlucks at the Ft. Scott Community Garden! All are invited!!
- Spring Equinox event on March 20, 5pm
- Summer Solstice Soiree on June 20, 5pm
- Fall Harvest Happening on September 22, 5pm
Ft. Scott Volunteer Programs- all garden members invited to participate:
- Jan 16 MLK Day of Service sign-up to participate
- Jan 28, 1:30-3:30pm
- Feb 25, 10am-noon
- April 22, Earth Day (sign-up on