Friday, June 17, 2016

June: sun, fog and rain?

How are we halfway through June already?! Summer is zipping by and we've been spending a lot of time watering. The soil tends to get very dry and you may need to encourage the water to soak in by mixing it up a bit while you water.

Join us for a special event in August- a pickle making party! 
Wednesday, August 10, 6-8pm. Find more details and RSVP here

Other upcoming activities in the gardens are a group from Outward Bound at the Portola Garden on Friday June 24 to help rehab the boxes affected by kikuyu grass, and YMCA summer camp groups visiting the Ft. Scott Garden for garden-based outdoor education on July 22.

We hosted a group from Salesforce at the Ft. Scott Garden on June 7- they were a big help building a new compost pile and getting a lot of weeding done around the garden.

Here are some nice looking summer squash- they've been producing well. I tried a new recipe for squash pesto- roast chunks of squash and puree with basil, spinach, garlic, salt and olive oil. A wonderful vegetable based dip for crackers or raw squash rounds! Our nursery volunteers loved it :)

Upcoming Garden Dates
6/20 SBB, 5-7pm 
6/21 West Washington, 10am-noon- plot checks
6/23 Ft. Scott- Summer Solstice Pizza Potluck Happy Hour- all invited RSVP here
6/24 SBB, 2-4pm- plot checks
6/27 MacArthur, 5-7pm *MULCH PARTY*
6/30 Ft. Scott, 10am-noon- plot checks
7/5  Baker Beach, 1:30-3:30pm- plot checks
7/6  Portola, 5-7pm
7/11 MacArthur, 10am-noon- plot checks
7/11 Baker Beach 1&2, 5-7pm
7/15 Portola, 10am-noon- plot checks
7/18 West Washington, 5-7pm
7/20 West Washington, 10am-noon, plot checks
7/25 SBB, 10am-noon- plot checks
7/25 Baker Beach 3&4, 5-7pm