What a great month for gardening! Those of you who planted in the sunny days of February are seeing the results- a few weeks of rain, and now more sun. The veggies in the garden plots look great! For those of you who have not yet planted this spring, you have just 2 weeks left to get plants in the ground by the March 31 planting deadline.
Excited about the pizza party on Friday? We are! I've made 5 batches of pizza dough. We're planning to harvest leeks, potatoes, arugula, broccoli and kale for the pizzas.
For April, our special event is a compost yard tour and volunteer work party- we'll be screening vermicompost (aka worm castings) which is an amazing fertilizer we incorporate into the compost we give you for your gardens. Come help out and see where all those green weed bags end up! RSVP here
Coming up on the calendar:
If you've never gone, the SF Flower and Garden Show started today in San Mateo and it's always worth a visit: https://www.facebook.com/SFFlowerShow/
Daylight savings time has begun so we have started our evening open garden times!
3/17, 5-7pm Portola open garden
3/18, 3-7pm Ft. Scott Pizza potluck
3/21, 2-4pm WeWa plot checks/ open garden
3/21, 5-7pm BBA 1&2 open garden
3/24, 5-7pm WeWa open garden
3/25, 10-12pm, SBB plot checks/ open garden
3/28, 5-7pm BBA 3&4 open garden
3/31, 5-7pm SBB open garden
Garden to-do list:
- Pull annuals that are flowering and replant.
- What to plant now? Try arugula, runner beans, beets, bok choi, broccoli, broccoli raab, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, chard, cilantro, favas, kale, kohlrabi, leek, lettuce, mustard greens, peas, radish, spinach, strawberry plants, and turnip.
- Check for aphids! In the hot days of late February the aphid populations were exploding on members of the Brassica family (kale, broccoli, cauliflower etc.). These aphids are grey. Also look for black aphids showing up on fava beans, chard, and members of the Allium family (chives, onions etc.). Wash them off with water and remove infected leaves. If they are bad, spray with insecticidal soap/soapy water. Do not buy and release ladybugs in our national park, however. Vigilance and frequently checking your plants makes a huge difference and avoids this:
grey aphids on cabbage - Prepare to plant your warm weather crops in the next 4-6 weeks: green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini.