Friday, January 29, 2016

Happy New Year 2016!

Hello and Happy New Year from the Presidio Community Gardens!

Mackenzie and I are excited about a new year, a new growing season, and a new chance to connect within our Presidio gardening community. Please take a moment to read this post- we don't want you to miss important information!

As a reminder, the blog is the only place to get updates on seedling giveaways, compost distribution, and special events, so make sure you are signed up! It's really easy- just enter your email address in the box on the right, then confirm your subscription once the email from FeedBurner arrives.

by **March 31** 
To maintain your status as an active community garden member and use of your garden plot
1) Garden plots are planted 
2) You have filled out the re-commitment form on-line or in-person

Plot checks will start in February- please make sure you've visited your garden to weed and tidy up. Read the rest of the post to find out when we'll be at your garden and when the first pizza party of 2016 is happening!