Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January plot checks

Just back from a sunny round of garden visits. It was so encouraging to see how many of you took time to visit your garden plot and get it cleaned up! Thanks to all of you whose gardens look ship-shape and ready for spring plantings. It's wonderful to see the gardens being loved after all the hard work of building them.

Our staff will be sowing seeds on Friday for the first round of seedling give-aways and Spring Gardening 101 on February 23 at the MacArthur Community Garden. Feel free to attend any of the classes, not just ones held at your garden. Also, if you can't wait until March for compost, send me a message and we'll try to get you some earlier. If enough people want it sooner, I can change delivery dates.

One of the fun things I saw in the garden today was a bit of a juxtaposition: frost on the ground and frozen soil and then farther along, narcissus and fuchsia flowering in profusion and blueberry bushes with flowers.See the photos from the Ft. Scott Garden!
frost in a garden plot

frozen soil

Blueberry flowers

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Hello Presidio Community Gardening community-

I have been putting together a blog so that there is an easy place for me to post updates, photos, an event calendar, as well as plant lists and membership agreements for you to access anytime you want!

Please take a look at the content I've already posted and consider subscribing so you will get new posts sent to your email account.

On the calendar (scroll to the bottom of the page) you will find times we plan to do maintenance work in the gardens- you are welcome to join us (although I suggest calling ahead to make sure our plans haven't changed), as well as upcoming weekend volunteer days, Spring Gardening 101 classes (new this year!!), and compost and seedling distribution times for this spring. March is going to be a very busy month :)

Documents ('pages') can be found on the right, top side of the screen. Soon we will also post Briana's Presidio Garden Resource guide she created during her 2012 internship.

I hope you find this to be a useful resource and visit often! Best wishes for a bountiful 2013-

Jean Koch
Presidio Community Gardens Coordinator